
Plugins can add additional functionality into the modmail bot. You can view a list of approved plugins via the ?plugins registry command or take a look at the plugins/registry.json.


To get approved and officially verified, you need to ensure you follow these guidelines:

  • Supporting Python 3.10 (and above).

  • No malicious intent.

  • The plugin cannot be a feature pending to be added into Modmail. You can submit a PR to add it to the core Modmail.

  • Core Modmail still needs to 100% function.

  • Cog name cannot be the same as any current class (Core, Modmail).

  • It cannot have the same name as another approved plugin.

Creating Plugins

We use for the bot and plugins take the form of Cogs.

Short example:

from discord.ext import commands

class Hello(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot): = bot

    async def on_message(self, message):

    async def say(self, ctx, *, message):
        await ctx.send(message)

async def setup(bot):
    await bot.add_cog(Hello(bot))

Folder Structure

Your plugin has to be uploaded on Github on a public repository. (Note: private repositories are supported, but they require extra setup, see Private Plugins). The repository folder structure has to be as follows:

        requirements.txt [optional]
        requirements.txt [optional]

The plugin will be loaded with something similar to

await bot.load_extension('username.plugin_name.plugin_name')

To install a plugin that is not in the official registry, type:

?plugin add githubusername/plugin_repo/plugin_name[@branch]

An example of a plugin can be seen at fourjr/modmail-plugins or any of the plugins in our registry.

Branch parameter

The branch parameter is optional (default to master) and can be used to test in-development/unstable plugins with a development branch.

Users will always be updated to the latest version. Thus, if there is a broken plugin on the latest version, users would not be able to use the plugin.

@local (For Developers)

To make it easier to develop a plugin, there's a folder named @local in the plugins folder. You can directly put a folder for each plugin in it.

Using the example cog above, the load command would be

?plugin load @local/hello

Best Practices

  1. Create a development branch

  2. Push to it until you are confident that your code is stable

  3. Merge it into master using pull requests or git merge -v dev --squash

  4. Update your plugin!

Private Plugins

  • Obtain a Github Personal Access Token with repo scope

  • Include GITHUB_TOKEN as a config variable (or in .env) with the token as the value.

  • Upload your code to a private Github repository.

  • Install just like a normal public plugin.

Database Interfacing

Do not interact with bot.api directly. Fetch a partition and use it:

def __init__(self, bot):  # in the class init
    self.coll = bot.api.get_plugin_partition(self)

self.coll is a motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCollection

Additional PIP requirements

Create a requirements.txt file in the plugin folder. Packages listed here would be installed via something similar to the following command:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt --user -q -q

Exposed Events

The bot dispatches custom events to aid plugin developers to extend Modmail functionality.

Currently, we have these custom coroutines:

  • Bot.format_channel_name(bot, author, exclude_channel=None, force_null=False) can be overwritten for custom behaviour.

  • on_plugins_ready() which is dispatched when all the plugins are fully loaded and ready to be used.

  • on_thread_initiate(thread, creator, category, initial_message) which is dispatched at the beginning of setup process. It is recommended to use the other events instead.

  • on_thread_create(thread) which is dispatched when the thread is registered as a thread by Modmail (i.e., when channel topic is edited).

  • on_thread_ready(thread, creator, category, initial_message) which is dispatched when a thread channel is created and the genesis_message (info embed) is sent. It is recommended to use this event.

  • on_thread_close(thread, closer, silent, delete_channel, message, scheduled) which is dispatched when a thread is closed, after channel deletion.

  • on_thread_reply(thread, from_mod, message, anonymous, plain) which is dispatched upon any reply.


async def on_thread_ready(self, thread, creator, category, initial_message):
    msg = thread.genesis_message
    ... # do stuff

Approval request

Create a Pull Request adding your plugin into plugins/registry.json and we will take a look at it.

Last updated